dimanche 25 mai 2014

Route 66

   Voilà une nouvelle petite création, mixant volume, papier découpé et peinture diverse ! Cela constitue une partie de mon cadeau pour la Fête des Mamans mais vu que je suis assez satisfaite (surtout pour le peu de temps que ça m'a pris !) et que le thème est assez illustratif en soi, j'ai pensé que ce serait sympa de le partager !


   Here is a little new creation, mixing volume, cut paper and diverse paint ! It is a part from my gift for Mom's Day but as I am rather satisfied with it (especially since it took me very little time !) and that the theme is rather illustratie in itself, I thought it would be nice to share !

mercredi 14 mai 2014

"Screams of The Undead" - part 3

   This week, I've created for another contest (yes, that's the "contests' month !) and here, before your eyes and after the two previous steps I posted on this blog, is the final result.
In the end, I used about every material I could find... Acrylic, ink, pastels, pencils... And even some digital additions.
The result is quite far from what I had in mind at first (and maybe from what you can tell after my first sketches) but I am learning to like it. The only big frustration I have is that the blue background is not the original colour that actually is on my paper. I had used this same ink for a previous illustration in my Beauty and the Beast project, and I had had a hard time already to find the colour back on the computer... (I should have remembered before but... Ah well).
Then, there is also the little flowers... I'm not very satisfied with them, something seems wrong. But from the feedbacks I had for now, I am the only one annoyed by that, so... :)
My idea at first was to make something born out of the death. Here the flowers were supposed to symbolize a rebirth through the skull of the demon. Even the dead trees are showing signs of rebirth... For there are leaves appearing, flying around them. Finally, the rebirth can be found also in the skull itself, because my aim was to give a new shape to the emblematic figure of the band, to turn it into something recognizable but different. So I kind of gave it another life (without any meaning of pretension though, I hope you get that !) :)

   Apparently, there is still some votes from the audience planned for this one... If you are interested, go to this page !

Hoping you like it :)

lundi 12 mai 2014

Et ça continue... ("Screams of The Undead" - part 2)

   Voilà une nouvelle petite étape avant le final mercredi. Ici, le côté peinture est terminé, j'y ai depuis rajouté le pastel et autres pierres noires... Normalement, quelques petits éléments en plus sont prévus avant la numérisation, mais pour l'instant je ne suis pas sûre de la forme que cela va prendre... Je fonctionne un peu à l'instinct sur cette illu !
Dans tous les cas, la deadline est mercredi, donc demain soir, tout doit être fini ! Rendez-vous dans deux jours pour le résultat !


   Here is a new step before the final on Wednesday. From what you can see, the painting side is now done, and I have added since then  pastel and other black-stone pencils... There should be a few other elements before digitization, but for now I'm not sure about the shape it will take in the end... I'm working a bit by instinct on this illustration !
Anyway, the deadline is on Wednesday, so tomorrow evening everthing must be finished ! Meet you in two days for the result !

dimanche 4 mai 2014

"Screams of the Undead"

   En ce moment, je prépare une nouvelle illustration pour un nouveau concours. Il s'agit d'une affiche pour le groupe de metalcore Demon Hunter. Basés sur leur logo, source de nombreuses variations graphiques sur chacun de leurs nouveaux albums, ainsi que sur mon ressenti personnel par rapport à leur musique en général, voici mes premiers tests d'ambiances et de matières :


   These days, I am preparing a new illustration for a new contest. It's about a poster for the metalcore band Demon Hunter. Based on their logo, source of many graphic variations on any of their new albums, as well as on my personal feeling through their music in general, here are my first tests for ambiences and material :

   Je ne suis pas encore fixée, même avec ces essais, mais j'ai l'impression d'avoir avancé. La composition me semble cependant être plus ou moins définitive (notamment pour l'essai en bas à droite) =)


   I am not yet certain of anything, even with those tests, but I have the feeling that I've moved on. The setting seems more or less definitive to me though (especially for the bottom right-hand corner test) =)