lundi 8 octobre 2018

{_}o Copper and cinnamon o{_}

    Nous en sommes à cette période de l'année où les jours commencent à raccourcir et où la température au-dehors vous donne envie de rester confortablement à la maison sous une couverture chaude, tout en sirotant un thé épicé et en observant les couleurs changeantes du feuillage des arbres. Oui, c'est l'automne !

Et qui dit nouvelle saison, dit également nouvelle série d'animaux ! La série de l'automne est la dernière de ce projet qui m'aura occupée près de deux ans et demi. J'espère que vous l'apprécierez et je vous laisse sur ce en compagnie de cet écureuil gourmand :)


    It is this time of the year where the days start to get shorter, and the temperature outside makes you want to stay comfortably home under a warm blanket, sipping a spicy tea and observing the change of colours on the tree leaves. Yes, it's autumn !

And whoever says new season, says also new animals series ! The autum series is the final one of this project that will have occupied me for two years and a half. I hope you will enjoy and I let you with the company of this gourmet squirrel :)

lundi 1 octobre 2018

°0° But... Who's there ? °0°

    Mais oui ! C'est bien un petit livre qui pointe le bout de son nez !!
Après plusieurs démarchages, du travail, du démarchage à nouveau, et encore du travail... Mon deuxième petit livre publié est enfin là ! Et c'est grâce à ma tatie, qui écrit sous le nom de Suzanne Max, que j'ai pu donner vie à ce texte avec mes illustrations.
Je suis tellement heureuse qu'il soit là !!! :D

Il s'agit d'un adorable conte pour se préparer tout en douceur pour Noël sur fond de légendes. À l'intérieur se trouvent deux illustrations en couleurs ainsi que deux en noir et blanc.
Il est possible de le commander à petit prix directement sur le site de la maison d'édition :


    Well yes ! It definitely is a little book that is showing the tip of its nose !!
After lots of prospection, work, prospection again, and some more work... My second published little book is here at last ! And it is thanks to my aunt, who is writing under the name of Suzanne Max, that I could give life to this text with my illustrations.
I am so very happy that it is here !!! :D

It is about a lovely tale to get softly prepared for Christmas with some legends background. Inside are two colour illustrations as well as two blacka nd white ones. Sorry it is only in French but for those interested anyway, you can check it out at this link :

jeudi 12 juillet 2018

*° I'm still alive...

... and I have LOTS of news !!! °*

    As I really have a lot of things to say, I will write exlusively in English, otherwise it would take me forever to write in both versions :D

Gosh, almost one year since I haven't posted anything in here... That actually saddens me because my blog is the first place where I've ever started to post my work online. But the reality is that a blog post is taking some more time to do and I really don't have here the visibility not the interaction that I have with other social medias.
Anyway, it was still important to me to come back to it at one point or another.

Like I said, I have a lot of things to say. Maybe I won't say everything in details but let's start by the most recent and the biggest of all :

It is for now on Etsy and you can find there all the postcards for my seasonal animals, as well as some prints and felt decoration figurines :) More things will come but it was already a lot of work to come to that, so let's see how it goes !

You can access by clicking on the picture ^^


After this big announcement, I think I can show you part of what you will find on the store, which is to say : my summer animals series !! They've been done last month so this is still quite new. I'm slowly completing the collection as I have only the autumn animals now remaining. So for this time, may I introduce you the flamingo (that you already know), the sea turtle, the koala and the mouse !! :)

You may also have noticed my signature changed on the way. Yayyy ! It's because I revamped my logo completely, to have something fitting much better with my personality and with my work ^^


Finally, out of the things I can share and want to share, I will drop here three characters that I painted for a two-day long workshop I did in February.
These two days were magic. Exhausting but full of emotions and discoveries. The first day was with two small groups of children from 7 to 15 years old. We illustrated together a character from a tale that we could identify with. And on the second day, I was with two classes of 6 and 7 year-old children. This time, they had chosen a story with their teacher and we illustrated it together.
To read about my whole experience and see some pictures, you can go to the Facebook post I wrote.

As of now, I will just the three original characters that I had created to give some inspiration to the children of the first day and help them find strong figures they could identify with. 
To read their story, I invite you again to go on my Facebook page. I've written the synopsis for two of their tales.

And with that, I will stop for now !
I'll try to come write here again in less than 10 months, I promise ! :D
But as of now, it's kind of late, I'm tired, and I think I already shared enough for one single post ^^

So if there are still people coming over here, I hope you enjoyed what you saw and you are interested to follow me more, I invite you to join me either on Facebook, on Instagram (@justinefillustration)... Or both ! :D
